Professional Development Programs
Onboarding Essentials Program
Group Program for Executives
Group Program for Managers
Personal Growth Programs
Fundamentals of Money
Overall Wellness
Fundamentals of Money Program
We understand money through the lens of how our caregivers handled it growing up. The perception of money is a conditioned behavior that stems from a variety of sources, influenced by our cultural upbringing and societal expectations, and displayed in the media we consume. The people we spend most of our time with affects the way we perceive money, and our relationship with money has a direct impact on the choices we make every day. By gleaning insights from the past to taking inventory of the present, the program will guide participants through a series of topics that shed light on their thoughts and behaviors to understand how they perceive and relate to money.
Speaking on the subject tends to bring up uncomfortable emotions for many, despite its prevalence in our day-to-day life. We guide participants to address areas of dissatisfaction by inviting them to sit with what comes up and observing how it exists in their mind’s eye. Inviting members to share their experience will help the cohort rely on each other for support, using the trust and safety built within the group to establish healthy, creative ways of redefining their understanding around money. The greater a participant’s awareness, the more momentum they have to move forward in a way that works for them.
Program Design
The Fundamentals of Money program will focus on how group members observe and relate to money instead of financial management itself. The program will elevate a participant’s awareness to identify areas of dissatisfaction, redefine their relationship with money, and improve areas where friction is observed throughout the program. By exercising curiosity, participants get to explore their perceptions and discover solutions to alleviate emotional uncertainty related to money. The program provides informational, interactive, and engaging content to encourage self-awareness and exploration for each participant to move toward their program objectives.
The program is a seven-session series of resources facilitated by a professional and trained coach. Participants will declare an objective they would like to accomplish by the end of the program. The content is modulated with our In-the-Moment Discovery tools so that participants get the most insight and perspective out of their experience, both individually and as a cohort.
What Comes Next...
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We are excited to learn about how we can elevate your company to the next level.