Professional Development Programs
Onboarding Essentials Program
Group Program for Executives
Group Program for Managers
Personal Growth Programs
Fundamentals of Money
Overall Wellness
Group Program for Managers
Managers are in a unique position to cultivate trust and be a resource for each team member, supporting them to grow as professionals. Holding a position that influences others is achieved by recognizing their own value and exploring ways to be a role model for the team. The goal of the program is to allow the manager to see their colleagues for the person they are—not just the role they were hired to fill. This creates space for their team to show up as they are and as they wish to in the workplace. Doing so will allow the manager to recognize their team’s strengths and interests, as well as their own.
Managers have the propensity to be the most influential person in an organization by managing their team in their own, unique way. Effective communication is at the crux of this influence. Trust is built when a manager creates the space that invites their team members to speak openly about any subject, not just work, on a recurring basis, and when a manager is sincere about their intentions around nurturing connections with their teammates. Doing so will lead to stronger relationships, equipping the team to be resilient in times of uncertainty and being agile when changes occur outside of their control.
Program Design
Managers who participate in the program will deepened their relationship with their team. The Group Program for Managers invites participants to address aspects of themselves that increase self-awareness, such as exploring how they relate to work, identifying their values, and building on strengths they inherently possess and exercise in the workplace. The program is a seven-session series of resources facilitated by a professional and trained coach. The content is modulated into two categories for the manager to get the most insight and perspective out of their experience, both individually and as a cohort.
Professional Insights Modules
Professional modules touch on professional aspects that are valuable to the person, not just focusing on the role of manager. The content addresses individual traits that are relevant to them as a team leader, such as recognizing their strengths and identifying their values. Participants are supported by creating connections with fellow managers across different departments within the program cohort.
In-the-Moment Discovery Modules
Discovery modules allow participants to engage personal qualities. They encourage group members to find commonalities, prompted through topic-relevant conversations. The content guides participants to understand their perspective and what work means to them on a personal level. Sessions invite managers to think about where they are today based on their personal experiences, professional expertise, and existing resources. This includes addressing where they are right now and explore ways that align their personal qualities with their professional responsibilities and interests.
What Comes Next...
Does our program resonate with your needs? If so, then let's connect. You may schedule an appointment or send us a message by clicking on the button below.
We are excited to learn about how we can elevate your company to the next level.